Reaching Higher

When Katie gets home from school she is communicating so much more lately. I’ll say, “Katie did you have a good day today?” image4 (1) and she will smile ear to ear and nod “yes”. I’ll then ask, “Did you see Jerimiah?” she will nod “yes”, “did you see Brandon?” (I know he was absent) and she shakes her head “no”. And then the other day Drew asked, “How was your day Katie?” and as plain as day she said “GGG” not the word good, but she made the sound of a G, that is so huge. These glimpses of communication with Katie give me a feeling I could never describe in words. But they only occur about 20% of the time, I’ll ask again 5 minutes later and get a blank stare.

I am so very grateful for these glimpses, but they give me hope for more and lately I feel that hope dwindling away. That hope is that if she understands those questions then we can find a communication system that will help her tell us more.  Just yesterday I was trying to help her walk, but she just kept collapsing and then got a little fussy. I took off her braces and there was huge red spot that looked really bad on her foot. I felt horrible, she had been wearing them all day and that must have really hurt. Then during her evening tube feeding she was fussy again which is not unusual, but towards the end of the feeding she hurled massive amounts of oatmeal from early (sorry, I hope you are not as you read). And then just smiled because of the relief. So badly I want to give her a way to say, “My foot hurts, mommy”, “My tummy is not settled please don’t feed me more”.

I feel like we have tried a million different communication systems with very little progress. We started out holding up picture boards for her to touch her choice, she did okay with a group of 2, but since she loves to put everything in her mouth she would grab the picture and chew. image1This method was also very limiting in what she could say. So we tried a partner assisted scanning book, but that was way too complex. We then purchased an ipad with a program that allowed us to customize screens for her to make choices. But since she also loves the feeling of clicking the button to select her choice we realized that her answers were not always accurate, she was just enjoying clicking and that took precedence over communicating. So now we are trying a Tobii eye gaze device. A child uses their eyes to make a selection so the only feedback is whatever they are communicating for. We are in the VERY early stages of this and it could take her years to learn how to use it.

Last week after speech therapy I sat in the car and wondered, “Am I grasping at straws here? Am I expecting too much from her? Should I just be thankful for the yes and no answers I get 20% of time?” These questions drive me crazy. But I know that God wants every single one of us to work as hard as we possibly can while on this earth to reach our fullest potential. And it’s my job to help her do that. So as long as there is a path we will continue down it.

Then I thought, “If I am expecting Katie to give it all she’s got, what am I doing to reach my potential?” Am I where God wants me to be? Do I work every day to do His will? Do I work hard to stop the repetitive sins in my life?

“Even now the ax lies at the root of the trees. Therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” Matthew 3:10

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I receive a daily email from Regnum Christi, it is a fabulous devotional, but all too often I have 10 waiting to be read. A recent one was talking about Matthew 21:28-32, the parable of the two sons. A man tells one son, “Son, go out in my vineyard and work today” and the son says no, but later changes his mind and goes to work. He tells his other son, “go out in my vineyard and work today” that son says yes, but then never goes. In the discussion of this parable the question was asked, “When are you saying yes, but acting no” when it comes to God. What if we had annual reviews on our faith life like the ones at work? Would I score high enough to keep my job or would I be fired because doing the bare minimum is not enough.

It is not easy to follow what God wants us to do. If I feel like my faith life is simple and I’m just cruising along, then my standards are not high enough. I am not living up to this full potential that I am pushing Katie towards. I often catch myself using my time for me rather than for God. When we are Baptized we are called to put God first in our lives, even before our husbands and children. And definitely before TV, smutty books, and Facebook.

We are called to be prophets and that means speaking for God. Doesn’t that also mean that God should be on our lips regularly in every conversation? Father Barron asks, “Do the people you work with, your friends outside of church or even the store clerk at the gas station know you are a Christian?” If not, then we are not doing our job. “Preach with the beauty of your life so people will understand Christ through you” Barron says.

image5As I watch Katie work so hard every day of her life to do the most simple things, things that I do without even a thought I will use this as my example. I will follow her and do the things that don’t come easy to me. I will set my standards higher because I don’t want to just do enough to get by, I want to do all that God has in store for me. When I meet Him at the pearly gates I want Him to say, “Wow, you must be exhausted for working so hard for me, thank you” not, “You look well rested, your must have had a very comfortable life on earth”.

4 thoughts on “Reaching Higher

  1. Kelly

    Gosh I love you Cindy. I love your honesty, your transparency, your outlook…. Truly a gift to me and everyone else who is being blessed by you!! I know I’ve told you before but I am so proud of you. You are an amazing Mom … and daughter of Christ. ❤️

  2. Nat

    You continue to amaze me week after week at the way the words and passages come to you. It’s like you know what I need to hear! I see God working through you in so many ways, I know he is proud of the way you keep pushing yourself to do His will! Thank you for sharing your journey and giving me the encouragement to work like Katie does, because truly doing Gods will shouldn’t be easy!
    Love you guys so much,


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