Her Contagious Smile

I find it very ironic, I prayed for so many years for Katie to be healed, but now I find myself praying to be more like her. IMG_6710 - Copy Her smile says it all, I long for that simple, pure joy. Happiness that comes from just being alive, a mind that it not clouded with the things of this world. She teaches me every day about true happiness.

My favorite moments in life come from the smile on my children’s faces. At a young age, Lexi and Drew have lost a bit of that innocence, smiles don’t come as easily from simple actions. But for Katie all it takes sometimes is my face. When she gets off the bus after school I kiss her and look closely into her eyes, then the corners of her mouth shoot straight up to her ears. So simple!

My mind is filled with too many things of this world…all the ways I could be better, the activities that would be more fun than what I’m doing right now, the vacation spot that would be perfectly relaxing, or just the fear I get from watching a newscast. Katie doesn’t know about all of that, and while I try to protect my other two children, there is no sheltering them from wanting more. Since moving my family to a remote island with no TV or outside influence isn’t an option, how do I get more of that innocence and better yet, how do I instill it in my two youngest children?

“Joy is a consistent attitude of peace, confidence, and satisfaction within you because you know a loving God is at work, we don’t produce it, GOD does.” The Power of a Positive Mom by Karol Ladd
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image3 (6)Katie is so lucky because her heart remains so pure and under Gods complete control. I have to remind myself every day, hand it over to God…let Him lead the way. It is a constant battle for each and every one of us to keep our eyes on God and to turn away from the things of this world. I think it has to start with simple things, like what we fill our free time with, the more we inundate our minds with God the more control He has over our hearts. It’s so easy to look around and see all the things we don’t have, all the material things that we think will make us happy. But God says it so plain and simple.

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieve do not break in and steal. For where treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19-21

IMG_6180When we die the stuff we have will not be coming with us, none of it will matter at all. The things of this world can only bring us temporary happiness because at any moment it can all be gone. Even the people in our lives cannot be the source of our happiness, because we all die. But when our joy is rooted in just being a child of God, happiness is automatic because that cannot be taken away. That is what is so special about Katie…she brings joy, she brings peace, she brings love because worldly things don’t filter God, He shines through so brightly.

5 thoughts on “Her Contagious Smile

  1. Alicia

    I too love seeing her smile when she comes off the bus. You can tell when she has had a great day, and that she is so excited to be home to see everyone! I have the same feelings as you Cindy: I wanted to be more like my sister too. The innocence; the unconditional love for everyone; the inability to hate and not understand how to hate. It doesn’t seem like it from the carnal world, but they live a beautiful life; honoring to God, and … So loved by Him! Yes, our girls are “special,” because they are special to the Father that matters!

  2. Joan Walker Page

    HI Cindy, YOU are living with an amazing gift, a daily reminder of what the peace, joy, and love that comes freely our way when we allow ourselves to LET God freely Into our world…For Katie, it is automatic, for us…NOT so much. Thanks so much for this reminder and perfect illustration!


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